Donna Handing Out Free Test Kits to Residents in Berlin
Support Business Growth and Job Creation
I believe strongly that individual success starts with the pride and self esteem that comes from putting in an honest days work.
Foundational to that is a strong private sector economy that is free to grow, prosper, and create good jobs for residents without added mandates passed down from our government. Government's responsibility should be to remove the obstacles that hinder or slow that growth. Instead, the Majority Party in Hartford continues to stifle this growth by increasing mandates, regulations, and taxes.
Year after year, Connecticut continues to be one of the most expensive states to live and do business in. With inflation at an all time high and surging costs at the pump, the increase cost of groceries, home heating oil and other basic necessities, many of our residents are struggling to make ends meet.
The financial burden this state continues to put onto our residents and small businesses is unbearable for so many. Hartford needs a drastic makeover before more of our residents flee to greener pastures.